Case study: Turnaround of a system manufacturer


Manufacturer of foundry equipment for the automotive industry, approximately 120 employees, affiliates abroad.


High "friction losses" in the interface of "sales" and "production / technology," no effective, pro-active project management and controlling system with clear responsibilities, lack of transparency of the earnings contribution in the individual product lines, high cash burn due to quality problems, long lead times, etc.


As part of an interim management project: implementation of a complete corporate reorganization together with the managing director, including change in the business processes and the management system, introduction of business units as well as modern planning and control instruments (focus on "free cash flow"!), reduction of cost.


Design and implementation within 11 months.


Achieving turn-around (=> positive free cash flow):

  • New structures of responsibility (modified organizational structure, introducing a process-oriented product line organization, management forums)
  • Optimized sub-processes
  • Improved project- and debitor management
  • Reduced processing times
  • Consistent cost and quality management